Campaign Status

The campaigns may be of the following statuses:

  • Pending: The campaigns which are not approved by the Admin will be in the pending status.
  • Active: The campaigns that are approved by the Admin will be in the active status.
  • Limited By Budget: When the campaign reaches the campaign budget defined in the ‘Daily Budget’ field during the campaign creation, the campaign will be in the ‘Limited by budget’ status. You will be able to pause the campaigns in ‘Limited By Budget’ status.
  • Ended: The campaigns which are ended will be in the ended status.
  • Paused: The campaigns which were paused will be in the paused status.
  • Frozen: The campaigns for which bill payments are pending due to a shortage of credit amount will be in the frozen status.


  • You will be able to edit the campaigns in pending, active, limited by budget, and paused statuses.
  • Ended campaigns are not editable.
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